Williamson CMS


The Williamson County Medical Society is a professional association, organized to meet member needs through advocacy, medical education, and networking. Over the years the society has developed into a well-rounded membership of more than 200 active physicians, both generalists and specialists, providing medical care for individuals in the Round Rock and Georgetown area.  


COVID-19 and PPE Resources:


Williamson Co. Health District
  PDME (Local office supply company) Tel: 512.879.3073/Fax: 512.219.0901

TCMS PPE - Available to Both Travis and Williamson County Physicians

Fill out the PPE Request Form.



Williamson, Travis ranked among healthiest Texas counties

American-Statesman, March 16, 2016

Williamson and Travis once again made the top 10 list of healthiest counties in Texas, according to annual rankings by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin's Population Health Institute.Williamson County was No. 3 out of 241 Texas counties ranked this year, behind first-place Collin County and second place Hartley County, earning the same ranking as last year. Travis County was in the ninth place for the second year in a row. To read the full story, click here.




Cultivate Relationships

With other physicians, community leaders, and physician service vendors at WCMS networking events.

Learn from Experts

At catered meetings with informative speakers on legislative health care issues, practice management, and financial planning.

Effect Change in HealthCare

Via organized medicine’s grassroots political action, such as Capitol visits, letter-writing, or candidate campaign support.

Build Your Practice

Through community exposure on “Locate a Physician” Web site directory.

Save Money on Health Insurance

Through group discounts from Texas Medical Association Insurance Trust.

Earn Free CME

At free state TMA meetings and some local events.

Find Answers Quickly

• By phone or e-mail from TMA Knowledge Center staff,
• Through free online access to 100 journals and hundreds of general medical texts and,
• Through staff- assisted MEDLINE searches, or
• With your free subscription to Texas Medicine magazine.

